I’ve been going to Fisher Chiropractor and their service is exceptional. They make you feel at home when in the office. They have taken all precautions and I have continued getting adjustment safely during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Coral Mercado

My boyfriend and my best friend (who saw him throughout her whole pregnancy) started seeing him and are also committed patients. We all experience the quality and benefit in receiving Chiropractic care at his office. His son, Dr. Craig Fisher and Dr. Eric are so friendly and outstanding at their job. The girls at the front, are personable and helpful in every aspect. This office as a whole has become our home and I am incredibly thankful to be their patient.

My advice: If you are having any physical symptoms (whether musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, ENT, etc) go see Dr. Fisher. Chiropractic care can help align our bodies back to where they need to be in order to correct a multitude of symptoms. You won’t regret it!

Sheryl Hidalgo

Dr. Fisher and all the staff and associates are very professional, friendly and accommodating. I love going to this place better than the one I initially had my consultation.

In this clinic, they have been regulating COVID-19 screening which not every clinic does. The office is clean and the staffs are sanitizing everything most of the time.

I’ve only been seen by them for 2 visits and my third visit will be on Monday. I am glad that this is going to work out in both ways because they have affordable plans. They also do examine you thoroughly and identify your main concern.

I feel like I am loving this place. 😅. I cannot wait to go on my next adjustment visits and be better!

I am thanking Dr. Fisher and all staff and associates now in advance.

Lea Theresa Beriña

I have been going to Fisher’s for over 5 years and I would be completely lost without them. I go once weekly to keep me in-check. Love the doctors and staff. They have been especially wonderful during COVID. Always available and keeping us safe. They not only treat me, they educate me.

Diana Careaga

By the second or third week of adjustment, he was much better. I could definitely see a big difference…

Maria Lugo

I had excruciating pain in my left knee. Got an unnecessary surgery and all of that. Came in about a month ago found out the problem was because of my hips. So I carried on with the treatment and a month in I have never felt better.


This place is outstanding! It has been about six months that my family and I have been coming to the office and I can say that there has been a huge difference in our lives. My children’s overall health has improved and they just love coming. My husband aches and pains have gotten much better. As for myself, I was getting sick about every two weeks. After starting Chiropractic care at Fisher Chiropractic Center I have not gotten sick once. In addition, the staff is wonderful and they make everyone feel so welcomed. Dr. Fisher, Dr. Craig and Dr. Eric are the best! Would I recommend them? Absolutely! I already have 🙂

M. Sabroso

I had excruciating pain in my left knee. Got an unnecessary surgery and all of that. Came in about a month ago found out the problem was because of my hips. So I carried on with the treatment and a month in I have never felt better.


This place is outstanding! It has been about six months that my family and I have been coming to the office and I can say that there has been a huge difference in our lives. My children’s overall health has improved and they just love coming. My husband aches and pains have gotten much better. As for myself, I was getting sick about every two weeks. After starting Chiropractic care at Fisher Chiropractic Center I have not gotten sick once. In addition, the staff is wonderful and they make everyone feel so welcomed. Dr. Fisher, Dr. Craig and Dr. Eric are the best! Would I recommend them? Absolutely! I already have 🙂

M. Sabroso

It was a crazy morning, the traffic was rough, and I was in pain going to one of Baptist Hospital office for different tests. The Bone Density and X-rays of the Back Bone would reveal something I already knew. More than 20 years ago, I fell out of a chair in my office, and my cervical vertebrates but mainly my lumbar ones, suffer a lot. At that time, I had MRI and X-rays, and the orthopedic doctor referred me to a Physical Therapist. They alleviated my pain for a while, and so the prescribed pain killers. Every so often for about 20 years, I would feel the pain, and would take a pain killer. These were affecting my stomach, but there was no other way. I had to take care of both, a multi-handicapped and profoundly mentally retarded daughter (now almost 25), and a father-in-law with Parkinson (now deceased). Both bed ridden.

Now, these new tests read that several lumbar vertebrates did not show almost any space between them and my bone mass was getting thinner. My primary doctor recommended then, not only exercise (which I do at the Gym twice or three times a week), but to make a decision whether I wanted to go to an orthopedic doctor or a chiropractic one.

My personal trainer and massage person (Tommy Bretthauer, Superhands Massage, Corp.) had already mentioned to me I needed an adjustment in my back, but I have always thought chiropractors were not “real” doctors. Anyhow, I decided to take a chance. I already knew about Orthopedic medicine, and my suffering for more than 20 years. So I decided I was ready for a challenge. Several people recommended their own chiropractors, but no one was close to my home, and my unique situation with a sick daughter made me call Aetna, Inc. (my own medical insurance) for advice.

Aetna recommended Dr. Paul Fisher as one of the best in the field. That made me feel comfortable enough since he also was located close to my house. Even though I had my doubts that a chiropractor could help me, I decided to take my chances.

The first time I met Dr. Paul Fisher, I liked him right away. His kind bed manners, so scarce in so many doctors these days, conquered me, and the joy and cooperation of his staff and personnel, made me feel like I was at home with a bunch of friends.

Dr. Fisher recommended back bone adjustments three times a week during almost two months, and later twice. I have been seeing Dr. Fisher for more than three months now, but it takes time to correct something that has been wrong for more than 20 years. I can comfortably say that about the first month, I felt like another person. I used to feel a big bump in my nape, in the cervical area, that after several weeks disappeared. I stopped taking pain killers, and followed his recommendations of stretching every morning, or as many times as needed during the day, drinking lots of water, exercising, and using some special levelers inside my shoes that have helped me tremendously with my walking and posture.

And last but not least, as I have told Dr. Fisher in many of my visits, it’s the aptitude. Yes, the aptitude of the chiropractors. They are believers, they are people with an incredible positive energy. They smile, they talk with kindness, they take their time with their patients, and explain details about the treatment. The time you spend in a chiropractic office is minimum in comparison with other specialties, since their only goal is adjusting your back, but whatever time you spend there, be with the doctor or the staff, it’s always quality time, not only for your health but for your well being in general. I can’t stop telling everyone about all of these benefits.

I enthusiastically say it, like an old commercial, “Try it!…You’ll like it!”

Xiomara P

I previously wrote about my new goal of losing weight until I reached 180 lbs. I have now gone down from 260 lbs to 170 lbs, so I have lost a total of 90 lbs. My pants have gone from a 48in waist to a 34in waist and my shirts from extra extra large to medium (even small in some cases).

Also my blood work results are in and my blood sugar is down to normal so my doctor took away my blood sugar medication. I also went to a cardiologist for a stress test and an echo cardiogram, where the cardiologist told me I have the heart of a healthy 20 year old. I have not felt this healthy in years and I’m thankful to God for putting Dr. Craig Fisher in my life since without his support and his encouragement this would not have been possible. He is my coach and mentor showing what food to eat and especially what not to eat and what exercises to do. I now eat only healthy foods and exercise daily at the gym. I have helped regain my confidence and feel better about myself.

Now my new goal is to be able to reach out and help anyone facing the same struggle I had and to have a positive impact on someone’s life. I have just turned 65 years old and many people say that someone my age is too old and too stubborn to make a change but I can say to them that in spite of my age, I have learned and have been able to change my life. Thank you and may God bless you all.

Jose Bardin

Although I have been a patient of Dr. Fisher’s for  many years, this is the first time I have taken the opportunity to express my deepest thanks to Dr. Fisher and his staff for the unfailingly excellent chiropractic care I have received.

What prompted me to speak at long last is the realization of how lucky I was to be involved in an auto crash last year! Although most people regard car accidents as a bad thing, it took an accident to get me to make chiropractic visits a regular part of my life. Previously, I would wait until I was hurting to get an adjustment. I always felt great afterward, and would make resolutions to get therapy on a regular basis, but found excuses not to keep my vows.

Things changed radically when, during my post-accident physical, Dr. Fisher discovered a spinal curvature that would have only gotten worse with time and neglect. My insurance company paid for three months of therapy and adjustments, then advised me that the next step was surgery. This is typical of the short-sighted and ill-informed approach insurance companies adopt! Their main concern is the bottom line, not the patient’s well-being.

Fortunately, I had heard too many horrors stories about the negative effects of back surgery, and opted to continue Dr. Fisher’s treatment on my own. Thank goodness I did! Regular visits and adjustments have not only helped me recover from the trauma of the crash, but have actually made me feel better that I did before the accident! I know that visiting Dr. Fisher’s office will always be a positive experience. I leave feeling so wonderful, with a spring in my step and a new sense of energy and purpose. And Dr. Fisher’s staff is invariably friendly, courteous, and helpful.

Chiropractic is now part of my life routine, and will always be. So even though it took a car accident to get me on the road to a healthier spine and a healthier life, this is one cloud that had a silver lining. My deepest thanks to all of you at Fisher Chiropractic!

Marie K

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